Sunday, September 17, 2006

Pope causes Muslim violence ?

I'm no fan of the Pope. Even less so now that he has apologized, though I have to admit he apologized for muslims reaction to his comments, not for his actual comments. (Nice way of not apologizing for what he said)

Many Muslims felt the pontiff was critical of their faith in the speech delivered in front of university professors earlier in the week.
In that speech, the Pope appeared to endorse a Christian view that early Muslims spread their religion by violence. Gee what ever would have given him that idea ? Thanks to for image.

1. On Saturday, militants attacked five churches in Gaza and the West Bank. A group calling itself the "Lions of Monotheism" claimed responsibility.
2. An Iraqi insurgent group threatened to carry out a suicide attack on the Vatican.
3. Thai police blamed the attack on Muslim insurgents who have waged a long separatist campaign in this largely Buddhist country.
4. Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan called Benedict's remarks "ugly and unfortunate" and called on the pontiff to withdraw them.
Turkey's ruling party even likened the pope to Hitler and Mussolini.
5. Muslims shot and killed a 60 year old Nun...the list continues to grow.

Muslims and violence....where does this crazy Pope get his wacky ideas ?

Monday, August 14, 2006

I saw this cartoon some time ago. Thought with the recent UK bomb plot, where the Muslim Mom and Dad planned to take their baby with them using the baby bottle to help blow them and the plane up, this was quite relevant. NOTE: If this cartoon is copyrighted in anyway, please let me know and I will give credit or remove at once. Thank you.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Those wacky 'Carry On' guys are at it again...this time, Paul Martin, Chuck Guite, David Dingwall and Alphonso Gagliani star in......................................'CARRY ON REGARDLESS'

These guys won't let corruption, scandals and RCMP investigations slow them down. No Siree ! These guys won't let a little heat bother them. When you are meant to rule like they think they are, you just CARRY ON REGARDLESS !

And let the laughs begin...

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Librano Pictures upcoming movie re-makes

The Libranos production company is proud to present the 1st in a series of upcoming motion picture re-makes.